Texas Tech University is not only home to the Matador, but also a central location in Lubbock full of majestic and classy looking buildings. I’ve been living in an Apartment right beside Texas Tech for a few years now, so I know all the best and secret spots you’d never think to look on campus for the best photos.
Mojo Bowl Acai Bowl Review
I’m sure you’ve heard about bloggers and Youtubers raving about Acai bowls. I’ve wanted to try it for a long time, but I’ve been holding back because I figured it was generally the same as what I make myself for breakfast sometimes. But since it’s close to where I live, it seemed appropriate to try it out and see if it actually tastes good or if people are just saying it’s “good” because it’s a superfood. I got to find out the truth behind Acai bowls.
Texas Travel Diary | Getting Lost in a Texas Corn Maze
I’ve never been into a real corn maze until now and it was definitely overwhelming. When I was told I’d be going to a corn maze in Lubbock, Texas, I thought it’d be super small like the straw mazes made out of hay that Canadian Tire used to host for children. However, this corn maze was a whole other thing. When you first enter, you see a map of the maze and it gives you an idea of how the maze is structured. Apparently it changes every year. When I had some time to actually look at the map, there were so many different turns and dead ends, I knew this was going to be a real corn maze.
A Day at the Palo Dura Canyon, Texas
One thing is for sure after I climbed the mountains in the Palo Dura Canyon, I’m not exercising for a VERY long time. At first, I didn’t think this was going to be that bad of a hike. The trails I’ve gone on in the GTA back in Canada are pretty flat or don’t stay steep for long. Also, I never have to feel like I’m being baked alive in the GTA. The different between trails in Texas and GTA are very different. Luckily, through all the exhaustion, I was able to get some bomb pictures.
What a 5 Hour Drive to Lubbock, Texas is Like
During my one month stay in Texas, my boyfriend and I took a drive to Lubbock because he had to visit for school orientation. We stayed there for 2 days. I have to say though, Lubbock has nothing there but Texas Tech School. The school is gorgeous, stunning, and large, but every where else in the general area, meh. I don’t have too many pictures from Lubbock because we were simply too tired from the long 5 hour drive there. However, I did take some pictures of our drive there to pass the time.
What You’ll Find in the Dallas Arboretum Botanical Garden
This was my last stop during my stay in Texas. I didn’t even know there was a Dallas Arboretum until my boyfriend pointed it out to me. I do love nature, so I thought it’d be fun to check it out. I have to say though, this place is bigger than you think it’d be. We got there an hour before they closed and decided to take the main paths. There isn’t too much to see but a small overview on the main path. However, when we started venturing deeper into the little paths, we came to realize that this place is actually HUGE. The Dallas Arboretum has a lot of really pretty hidden places. I say hidden because they’re not on the main path and we were both never the type to look at maps when visiting places.
Finding History in the Frisco Heritage Museum
Going to Texas means food. Yes the food is cheaper there than in Canada for a lot more to consume, but you do also run short of money. I especially ran short because of having to buy a new charger since the hotel at Lubbock shorted mine out. The other museums like the National Video Game, Dallas Art Museum, Nasher Sculpture Garden, and Dallas Arboretum costed some money to enter, but the Frisco Heritage Museum was free. Score! It was also one of my top 3 favourite places to visit in Texas because everything was preserved history in its original spot. Walking into the Frisco Heritage Museum was like walking into the past. Unlike the other museums they were very modern feeling and/or consisted of artworks. However, the Frisco Heritage Museum created an atmosphere as if you were right there in that frame of time experiencing everything.
A Place You Need to Stop By in Texas: National Videogame Museum
This museum is by far my favourite place in Texas. The National Videogame Museum is the happiest place on earth for me. I can be a nerd, I love games, I love playing them, I love watching game plays, it’s just all around fun for me. I appreciate the history of games and how they’ve evolved and this place is all about that. The other museums like the Dallas Art Museum and Frisco Heritage Museum don’t even compare. I had so much fun here and I’d totally go back again to play more games!
A Short Stop in Texas: Frisco Central Park
If you know Texas, you know it is HOT. I’m a girl from Canada and I am definitely not used to the heat at all. I will say that I do prefer the heat over the cold though. Because it’s so hot, my boyfriend and I tried to refrain from leaving the house in the daytime. Instead, we slept during the day and went out at night like owls whenever we could. The weather at night is beautiful. It is warm enough to wear light layers or no layers at all, but cool enough where you don’t have to be wiping the oil and sweat off your face every 5 minutes.
One place I’ve been wanting to visit is the Frisco Central Park. As you can tell from photos of my Texas adventures of Nasher Sculpture Museum, Dallas Museum of Art, and the Arboretum, I do have a fond-ness of water and waterfalls. Even if you don’t touch the water, it’s very refreshing and nice to look at. That’s why I had to take a trip the the Frisco Central Park!
A Day at Dallas Museum of Art & Sculpture Garden
I feel like visiting any museum when you go to a new place is a mandatory tourist bucket-list task. It lets you learn more about the place you’re visiting. I did go to other museums like the Dallas Video Game Museum or botanical garden, but the first place I went to was the Dallas Museum of Art & Nasher Sculpture garden. They were both beside each other, so it was super convenient to be able to visit both.