If you know Texas, you know it is HOT. I’m a girl from Canada and I am definitely not used to the heat at all. I will say that I do prefer the heat over the cold though. Because it’s so hot, my boyfriend and I tried to refrain from leaving the house in the daytime. Instead, we slept during the day and went out at night like owls whenever we could. The weather at night is beautiful. It is warm enough to wear light layers or no layers at all, but cool enough where you don’t have to be wiping the oil and sweat off your face every 5 minutes.
One place I’ve been wanting to visit is the Frisco Central Park. As you can tell from photos of my Texas adventures of Nasher Sculpture Museum, Dallas Museum of Art, and the Arboretum, I do have a fond-ness of water and waterfalls. Even if you don’t touch the water, it’s very refreshing and nice to look at. That’s why I had to take a trip the the Frisco Central Park!
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I love the fact that Frisco Central Park was lit up even if it was late at night. It was really hard to take photos because I didn’t have my DSLR or a tripod, but we tried to lean against many random things to keep a steady hand. I’d like to say our attempts were successful.
There is history at the Frisco Central Park about how Long Horns became one of the major animals here. There are even steps explaining how Texas became what it is because of the Long Horn trails. If you want to learn more about it in detail, take a visit to the park and read the history as you walk up the stairs to this wonderful scenic view.
And of course, I came to Texas to find two things. 1. Tumble weed 2. Cacti. And yes, I found cacti!! I had to take a picture to commemorate this moment of finding real live cacti. I do see them in stores, but to see a semi-wild one is amazing. I’ve also seen real live wild ones on our drive to Lubbock, but we were driving so we couldn’t stop by the side of the road to take a picture. But here in Frisco Central Park, I found one I could take a picture of!
Unfortunately, shortly after taking this photo, red fire ants decided to feast on my right foot. I just happened to be in their path. It was my first time getting bitten and I can tell you, it is not pleasant and the bites still itch when when I’m back in Canada. I hope to never encounter them again.
And a selfie of le boyfriend and I since I won’t be seeing him for a while again. Long distance woes.
Looking to travel to Texas soon? Check these out:
- 16 Instagram Worthy Places on Texas Tech University
- A Day at the Palo Dura Canyon, Texas
- What a 5 Hour Drive to Lubbock, Texas is Like
- What You’ll Find in the Dallas Arboretum Botanical Garden
Follow me on Instagram @itsevachung for more pictures!